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A Link to the Past se convierte en un roguelike
Version 1.1.6:Bug Fixes:
-Fixed bug where Zora was giving you rupees for upgradeable item gem combos when you owned a bow.
-Fixed coupon bug where it was only spawning grey ones.
-Fixed bug where you can buy an item you already own from a shop
-Fixed bug with jail key locks being in the wrong place letting you bypass the lock
-Possible fix where stackable items were disappearing when adding them to the inventory. It was rare and I couldn't replicate it, but I did find code that would have caused these items to disappear under the right conditions. Added safety measures that would prevent these conditions from affecting the inventory.
-Fixed glitch with cape and star where is would drain all your magic if you decloak at the same frame you pick up the star.
-Fixed bug where if you opened a window right at the end of hitting a crystal switch, the enemies would unpause while the window was active.
-Fixed out of bound crashes and falling through floors when you're not in a room, this is for those who like to hack the game by going outside rooms.
-Fixed treasures that were added to the inventory using hacks, they were crashing when opening them.
-Fixed bug with Moldorm, on rare occasions you wouldn't be able to hit him anymore and could get stuck without being able to defeat him.
-Fixed glitch exploit with Pikits when taking potions from you, it would create a duplicate so you could generate infinite potions.
-Added a different gold-colored treasure design for treasures that hold keys. This way curses are not forced on you when you're trying to progress. It makes regular chests optional now. The key chests would never be cursed.
-Spikes are now animated, credit to Derekfcc for providing a more fluid animation than the original asset.
Información sobre The Legend of Zelda: Dungeons of Infinity 1.1.6
Licencia | Gratis | |
Sistema operativo | Windows | |
Categoría | Rol | |
Idioma |
Español y 47 más
Autor | Justin Bohemier | |
Tamaño | 188.47 MB | |
Permisos | No aplicable |
Descargas | 5,890 | |
Fecha | 28 oct. 2024 | |
Tipo de archivo | ZIP | |
Arquitectura | No especificado | |
Clasificación de contenido | No especificado | |
Publicidad | No especificado | |
SHA256 | a31823a7894bed4262e811ef11e3b740c1895b1ed18e87c3ba5afc00a4f23d89 | |
¿Por qué se ha publicado esta aplicación en Uptodown? | (Más información) | |
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